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Emergency Preparedness Symposium

New York Downtown Hospital conducted the 6th Annual International Emergency Preparedness Symposium on September 10, 2008, at the Goldman Sachs Training Center in Lower Manhattan. More than 235 participants attended this event at which 12 specialists in the fields of emergency preparedness and disaster response presented. New York State Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, from the 64th Assembly District, also addressed the gathering, and spoke about the importance of the Symposium and the particular significance of Downtown Hospital's role in promoting the discussion of these critical issues. Commissioner Joseph Bruno, of the New York City Office of Emergency Management, was also a key presenter at the Symposium and addressed the topic of Healthcare Facility Evacuation.

John R. Cohen, M.D., Senior Advisor to New York Governor David A. Paterson, opened the day's proceedings. His remarks were followed by presentations on Developing an Integrated Approach to Health System Disaster Preparedness; An Iraq Perspective on Early Resource Utilization During Mass Casualty Events; The Israeli Response to Mass Casualty Events; Medical and Public Health Readiness in the face of Catastrophic Events; Hospital Emergency Management in a Post 9/11 Era; An Update on the Healthcare Status of 9/11 Workers; Preparation and Response to Weather Related Emergencies; The Humanitarian Response to the Myanmar Cyclone and the China Earthquake; and an examination of the NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System Plan for Mass Casualties. Presenters joined us from as far away as the Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem and represented such diverse organizations as the U.S. Department of Homeland Security; PricewaterhouseCoopers Health Industries Group; the National Weather Service; and the Tzu Chi Foundation, USA.

Since 2003, the Hospital has brought together emergency preparedness specialists from all over the world to share their expertise to better prepare health care professionals, emergency response personnel, and community leaders for future emergencies.

For further information on this annual event, please contact Ms. Josephs at [email protected].

The Annual Emergency Preparedness Symposium is offered at no charge through the generous support of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc

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