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Nursing Awards

National Nurses Week is celebrated each year from May 6th, National Nurses Day, through May 12th, the birthday of Florence Nightingale, the founder of modern nursing and a friend of Elizabeth Blackwell, M.D., the founder of Downtown Hospital. At Downtown Hospital we take this opportunity to recognize all of our nurses for their hard work and excellent patient care. This year's winners are:
•Clinical Nurse Leadership Award-Lorraine McBride, RN-Maternal Child Health
•Clinical Preceptor Award- Janice Huang, RN -Medical/Surgical
•Clinical Nurse Excellence Award-Hiu-Ling (Regina) Lai, RN-Out-Patient Clinic

Please join us in congratulating these nurses for their continued effort and dedicated nursing care.

Recognizing the excellence in patient care is an interdisciplinary effort, the Nursing Department also recognizes one member of the staff that helps them in their efforts. This year, Shirley London from the Housekeeping Department was honored with the “Friend of Nursing” award.

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