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Downtown Hospital Residents Recognized by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine

The international meeting of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) convened recently in Washington, DC, setting records for both attendance and research submissions (1,400). ASRM is a voluntary, non-profit organization devoted to advancing knowledge and expertise in reproductive medicine, including infertility, menopause, contraception, and sexuality. Of the research projects submitted, fifteen were selected for distinction and received Awards. Downtown Hospital received 2 out of 3 ASRM Resident In-Training Awards." These awards acknowledge the presenters of an exceptional abstract, who are currently Residents in training at Downtown Hospital. Congratulations to Drs. Anjana Nair, '09, for "Candidates for Uterus Transplantation," and Svetlana Stirkin, '07, for "Estimating Blood Loss: A Comparison of Nurses and Physicians". Other recognized institutions included such prestigious medical schools as: the University of California (UCSF); Johns Hopkins; the University of Pennsylvania; and Weill Medical College of Cornell University.
For more information, on how to participate in research at Downtown Hospital, as research volunteers or subjects, or as professionals interested in enrolling their patients and trainees to assist with current projects, please contact the Research Office at (212) 312-5268.

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