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Contact Us

New York Downtown Hospital
170 William Street
New York, NY 10038
(212) 312-5000

Admitting (Patient Registration) (212) 312-5106

Hospital & Emergency Room Services (646) 292-9580
Downtown Medical Associates (800) 633-9463
Physician Services (800) 376-5566
Anesthesiology (888) 240-1793

Cashier (212) 312-5112

Chinese Community Partnership for Health (212) 801-1714

Chinese Hotline (866) 652-8302

Corporate Compliance (212) 312-5695

Continuum of Care (Social Work) (212) 312-5168

Credit Office (212) 312-5029 (-5114)

Development Office (212) 801-1700

Find-a-Doctor (212) 312-5800

Food and Nutrition Services (212) 312-5017

Human Resources 212-312-5600

Media Inquiries (212) 312-5165

(after business hours) (212) 312-5000

Medicaid/Charity Care (212) 312-5938 (-5281)

Medical Diagnostics (Cardio/Pulmonary) (212) 608-7422

Medical Records Health Information Mgmt. (212) 312-5122

Medicine, Department (212) 312-5770

Nursing Department (212) 312-5149

Outpatient Clinical Services (212) 312-5260

Patient Services (Patient Advocate) (212) 312-5165

Patient Information (212) 312-5110

Physician Practices (Downtown Medical Associates) (212) 238-0100

Prenatal Care Assistance Program (PCAP) (212) 312-5280

Public Affairs (212) 312-5165

Radiology (212) 312-5179

Rehabilitation (212) 312-5548

Social Work – Discharge Planning (212) 312-5168

Surgery – Appointments (212) 312-5255

Surgery – Department (212) 312-5370

Volunteer – Department (212) 801-1714

Wellness & Prevention Center (212) 238-0100

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