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How to Give Blood

Blood Bank
(212) 312-5388

New York Downtown Hospital works closely with the New York Blood Center to offer the following services and donation opportunities:

Autologous Donation Program

Patients who are candidates for transfusion as part of their surgery are encouraged to give blood for themselves as it allows them to receive the safest blood possible - their own. The patient must consult with the surgeon who will determine how many units of blood the patient needs to donate. The patient must have the Autologous Donation Program form signed by the surgeon, to be brought to the Donor Center at the time of donation.

Directed Donor Program

This program allows patients to have family and friend donate blood for their use. Once the blood is determined to be appropriate for use by the patient, blood from directed donors is held for patients while they are in the hospital.

To participate in the programs mentioned above, the patient must contact the New York Blood Center to make arrangements in advance. Appointments are necessary. Proper identification is required.

General Information Regarding Donor Eligibility

Anyone from age 17 to 75 in good health may donate. A history of hepatitis, jaundice, cancer, heart disease, or exposure to AIDS will disqualify the donor. (Requirements for Autologous Donation vary). Most medications are allowed; some are not. The staff at the New York Blood Center will be happy to answer any questions.

For appointments and information call: (212) 570-3158. Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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