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Governor Paterson Announces $5 Million Grant for Wellness and Prevention Center

On September 3, 2008, New York Governor David A. Paterson, Deputy Mayor Robert Lieber, Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver, and Mr. Avi Schick, Chairman of the Lower Manhattan Development Corporation (LMDC) Board of Directors, helped to inaugurate the Hospital's Wellness and Prevention Center Project. The $5 million grant from the LMDC provides seed money for the Wellness and Prevention Center and will enable the Hospital to acquire an MRI. At the media event, I acknowledged how moved we were by their commitment to provide primary care services for the people of Lower Manhattan.

The evaluation of medical risk factors and the development of individual medical risk assessments at the new Wellness and Prevention Center will help the Hospital to prevent or lessen the severity of diseases which are prevalent in the Lower Manhattan community. The new Center will also have the most advanced diagnostic and screening equipment as well as the latest technological advances for the treatment of the people of our community. The Center will provide an emphasis on women's health – with distinctive treatment areas and a dedicated access for women. This is particularly significant since two-thirds of the Downtown work-force are women. The Center's medical Team will comprise all aspects of internal medicine, cardiology, diabetes, endocrinology and gynecology. The Team will be directed by Dr. Bruce Logan, whose entire medical practice has focused on wellness and prevention.

The growth of the Lower Manhattan community creates both responsibilities and opportunities for our Hospital. By 2010 it is anticipated that the Downtown population will increase by 50%. Chinatown alone will have 20,000 new residents. The 76-story Gehry/ Beekman Tower building under construction on the former site of the Hospital's parking lot will house 900 new families, provide a new public elementary school for children, and create new retail space, as well as office space for the Hospital. This one building will help to relieve overcrowding in our local public schools and will draw more young families to the Downtown area. And the good news is that this type of project is being replicated all over Lower Manhattan.

And New York Downtown Hospital will be THE healthcare provider for this vital community. The Hospital again expresses its gratitude to the representatives from government and the community who joined us on September 3rd to mark the commencement of the Wellness and Prevention Center Project.

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