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150th Anniversary of Downtown Hospital


A century and a half ago, Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell – the first female physician in the United States – founded a hospital dedicated to medical excellence and accessible, quality care. Today, her commitment to quality lives on at New York Downtown Hospital, the modern-day successor of Dr. Blackwell's hospital. Dr. Blackwell championed many “firsts” including:

•Founding the country's first hospital for women
•Starting one of the country's earliest medical schools for women - the first medical school to mandate four years of study
•Creating one of the first nursing schools in America
•Founding the National Health Society

This important moment in the history of women's achievements and modern medicine is being recognized by Downtown Hospital and the City Of New York.

On May 15, 2007, the corner of Gold and Beekman Streets will be officially co-named Dr. Elizabeth Blackwell Place in honor of Dr. Blackwell's contributions to the fields of medicine, education, and equal rights. A permanent plaque in her honor will also be unveiled.

In addition, The Elizabeth Blackwell Society has been created to ensure the continuation of Dr. Blackwell's mission through the programs and services of the hospital she helped to found 150 years ago, New York Downtown Hospital.

Community Service Plan    Downtown Hospital Fully Accredited by Joint Commission    Dr. Blackwell - Our Founder    Video: The Hospital Reports to the Community (2008)    Historical Timeline    Vision, Mission, Values    Communities We Serve    Visiting Us - Directions to Downtown Hospital    New York Downtown Hospital Board of Trustees    Hospital Leadership - Administration    New York Downtown Hospital's Response to September 11, 2001    Video: 9/11 and the new ER    A Brief Overview of Lower Manhattan's Only Hospital   

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