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Vendor Policy Library

The Vendor Library is a partial list of written policies provided by New York Downtown Hospital (NYDH) as a service to its vendors. The Vendor Library is not intended as a complete listing of policies, not all of which have been codified. In addition, some of the policies may have been updated since their publication. The documents contained in the Vendor Library were the latest version of each document as of the date of posting. Updated documents will be posted periodically. NYDH maintains the right, in its sole discretion, to make changes to any of the documents posted in the Vendor Library at any time and for any reason, with or without notice. No Policy shall create any binding legal agreement enforceable against NYDH. To be binding on NYDH, all agreements must be in writing and signed by a duly authorized representative of NYDH.

Code of Conduct

Gifts Policy

Sanction Screening Policy

Standards of Conduct Policy

Federal Defecit Reduction Act Policy

Hotline Operations Policy

Non-Retaliation Policy

Business Courtesies Policy

Federal & New York Statutes Relating to Filing False Claims

Patient Rights and Responsibilities

Confidentiality of Patient Information

Conflict of Interest

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