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Department of OB/GYN Accreditation

Downtown Hospital's medical teaching programs are central to its commitment to provide high quality health care. The four cornerstones of the teaching programs are medical and academic excellence, respect, teamwork, and a “Patient First” approach. Physicians who complete their training at Downtown Hospital consistently exceed the national average passing rate for their Board certifying examinations. These scores are just one indication of the quality of the programs and the supervising physicians.

The higher standard of care at teaching institutions such as Downtown Hospital has significant benefits for patients: they more often receive the latest recommended therapies and are more likely to survive illnesses and diseases such as heart attacks. Downtown Hospital congratulates Allan Klapper, M.D., Chief of the Department of OB/GYN, the residents, faculty, and staff on their outstanding accomplishment of receiving three-year Full Accreditation on its most recent Residency Review Committee site visit.

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