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Emergency Preparedness Symposium

Since 9-11-01, New York Downtown Hospital has spearheaded an international emergency preparedness symposium focused on the topics of readiness and response to large-scale emergencies, such as natural disasters and terrorist attacks.

This year, The New York Downtown Hospital Fourth Annual Emergency Preparedness Symposium is scheduled for September 18, 2006. Topics covered will include Pandemic Flu; Disaster Triage; Hurricane Katrina & The Lessons Not Learned. There will also be a panel discussion, In the Shadow of 9/11 – Where Are We Now?, and breakout sessions on Performance Metrics for Emergency Preparedness; Incident Command System – A Primer; and Crisis Communications & The Media. Five Category I Continuing Medical Education Credits are available.

This event is free but registration is required.

To register for this event, please email the following information to [email protected]:

Name, Title & Degree, Institution, Address, Daytime Phone Number, Email, and the title of the breakout session you wish to attend. For more information, please call (212) 801-1722.

Emergency Preparedness Symposium Agenda

Click here for a Save-the-Date Card

Click here for a Symposium Brochure

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